Thursday, March 5, 2009

Creative Borrowing

It has brought to my attention by some individuals that it seems like I like to plagiarize. I assure that none of my posts were meant to to seem that way. I will admit that an earlier post I copied and pasted from Bike Snob NYC, but I simply that was funny and meant no harm. My last post, I made it clear that I did not write the article. I copied the content to save people the time of clicking the link, mainly because sometime links do not work for whatever reason.

The nature of my posts is not to offend or take credit for something that is not original. But if do use an existing article, think of not as copying but as creative borrowing. The idea is to get the info out there, if that means copying and pasting then so be it. By recognize that credit was given to the original writer/author, and please calm down. Its not like I stole several billion dollars from investor or am using public funds to pay for lavish vacation. There is not need to try to tear me a new one, grow up please...

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